Risk of Stumbling

Evelyn at Georneys is again hosting an Accretionary Wedge, this time about signs that are geologically or geographically interesting.

My contribution is not even really mine, because I didn’t take the photo myself. I have come across the picture several years ago somewhere on the net, but forgot to remember where it was or by whom.

Sign “Geologische Aufschlüsse Stolpergefahr!”

Sign “Geologische Aufschlüsse Stolpergefahr!”

This sign says: “Geological Outcrops1 – Risk of Stumbling!2” Because I only know the sign, I don’t know how dangerous these outcrops are…

There‘s a more recent (Judging by the additional stratistickygraphical layers; however, the folding and erosion had already taken place back then…) photo on Flickr, but it has no detailed information about the location, just that it is in Wuppertal.

  1. Or exposures? I always forget if there’s a difference, and what. In German, even a borehole is a „Aufschluß“, []
  2. Or “Mind/watch your step”? []

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